
As a future engineer in food I decided to talk about a "drug" which is a concoction, so it is somewhat related to my career. Ayahuasca, Yage, or Nishi Cobin which is a drink used by Amazonian indigenous peoples made from a combination of two plants: the liana Banisteriopsis caapi with other plants, especially shrubs Psychotria viridis, Diplopterys cabrerana, and Mimosa hostilis.

The effects of the consumption of this combination promote access to modified States of consciousness in which succession of visions, different emotions and process of catharsis that Amazon traditions recognize a potentially healing value. It can also produce decompensation and psychotic outbreaks. Known cases in which the consumption of ayahuasca was panic attacks, anxiety, euphoria, hallucinations, delusions, and schizophrenia. 
Their complex Pharmacology, closely related to the existing synergy between various alkaloids, while the low toxicity shown by the various and already numerous scientific studies that are being developed, is one of the most important aspects of a prepared vegetable.
During the ingestion of ayahuasca several short-lived effects may occur, i.e., while the effects of the hallucinogen (DMT) are present in the body. . Short term effects may include nausea, vomiting, tremor, and lethargy, which in my opinion would be the negative effects of its consumption. I also believe that the effects produced are somewhat hazardous contact with daily life since your reality is altered and you can't make a mistake or an accident.


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