Favorite Travel 🚀

My favorite travel, has undoubtedly been my travel to U.S.A, specifically Orlando, FL. 
Thanks to the Cheerleading, i had the opportunity to participate in the most important competition in the world (for any Cheerleader), ¨The Cheerleading Worlds¨  which is made in the U.S.A year after year by joining pleople around the world in the same place. 
Everything was amazing!, because the place in the we stayed is Disney All Star Resort (Sports), we could also visit the four theme parks without restrictions. My favorite park so far is Hollywood Studios because it was two very good attractions, the mountain of Aerosmith Rock´n Roller and The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror in the Hollywood Tower.

                                            Hall of All Star Resort

                                                      Hollywood Tower

Another thing I liked was the U.S.A culture, people are very friendly and honest, could be with your cellphone and camera in your pocket from the outside of the backpack and no one was going to steal jajaja 😂😂😂😂.

For the sports part environment that existed with the other competitors was very nice, there was cultural exchange, it was a way of knowing a little how sport is living in your country.



  1. i want to travel to usa too someday :( all my envy to you.

  2. I thought that you went there with your family, did not Know that you went there with your team.
    What a great experience


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