In this opportunity i will talk about DNA because i think it's wonderful that something so small be the base of information of living beings.
The deoxyribonucleic acid, is an acid nucleic containing instructions genetics used in the development and functioning of all living organisms and some viruses, and is responsible for their hereditary transmission. The main function of the DNA molecule is the storage long term information to build other components of cells, such as proteins and the RNA molecules.
In our case and the case of eukaryote cells DNA is located in the nucleus of each carefully guarded si as not to damage, because it is so dangerous for our DNA to be altered.
A double-stranded DNA is 22 to 26 angstroms (2,2 a 2,6 nanometers) wide, and a unit (nucleotide) measures 3,3 Å (0,33 nm) long, is really very small.
Although i have heard that to gather all the DNA of our body this would measure 100 billion de km,
enough to reach the moon.
I think that there are no diseases that alter DNA, but if there are things that we must guard against, as for example the radiation, well everything is hereditary.


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