Blog Experience

Well, at the beginning struck me quite the idea of doing a blog and talk about a different subject each class.
I remember every blog we made, that I like were not speaking things as the career, etc.
On the other hand I liked those who spoke themes of travel and souvenirs since they remembered me the good time I had at the time.
Going from blogs already didn't seem so interesting to write and discourage me enough with the English laboratory.
 Meeting that s something very monotonous, as suggestion should add things to the lab or do more blogs to each decision.
And for me was horrible having to leave a comment to three peers more Professor.
A day that was left to comment on all the blogs that are overdue and I discovered it had commented almost none, the around three central magnificent only came.
Another thing I didn't like was the schedule that was, Tuesday and Wednesday, 4:40-6:30 Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:50-4:30: c.

Finally this is the last blog jajaj (just had something cute to do a blog each week) and discovered that this is the most loooong , each blog would increase 10, 10 words each blog, this one has 200: c


  1. That there are more recreational and entertaining activities!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Writing a blog it was a great experience!

  4. Sorry to hear that for you was not a good thing. This is part of english 4, hope you like it a bit more this time :)


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