
Definitely i think that several factors of career should be different, for example: the introduction to the career course, on issues of infrastructure as the sufficient space to be able to have lunch or lack of materials in the laboratory and one of the things more important, the method using teachers to deliver the information.
I think the introductory course in food engineering is a little "basic", talking a bit of teaching methods I think that they should include more outputs to food companies, either the place where the raw materials that we process to produce food as engineers come from.
With respect to the infrastructure it seems to me that we are so at this faculty for the little space that is, some time ago students did an investigation in relation to the existing tables with respect to students and seriously missing many :c. Also Wednesday I have laboratory and always missing material and technician must go looking for them, there should be enough in each laboratory so in this way the time to take advantage better.
I think that some teachers are continuing with their teaching methods since the year 0, for example there are teachers who use power points but pass them so quickly that you cant copy, and the worst thing is that they dont  let you take pictures and talk about that at the time that was done and bla (hate:c).

Well, just as University and career has good things, there are people who are worse haha.


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