
Today I will talk about a web page about careers, engineering in food.
The link of this is that it represents "School of engineers food Chile" acronym.
The truth had never visited this page, but if you had heard of it, here we can find the button "Links of interest" where several agencies and institutions for a food engineer, shown as it is Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL).
On one side you can see the universities that teach this career (in Chile), if you want to study this career, this space will help you decide which University to study, also see what offers you each.
On the other part has a space that I consider it important, this is "Work and practices" where you can apply for a company and be part of it, and learn, as well as develop yourself as a professional in the food industry.
The truth had never reviewed this page, but now I think it is very good and necessary for my as a future engineer in food.


  1. It seems to be a really good website, where you can find a lot of interesting info


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